About Us
Stewart Island Flights

Stewart Island Flights is driven by a passion for the unique experience that Stewart Island has to offer. We appreciate that this island is like no other and wish to share this singular environment with the world. We pride ourselves on our friendly staff and providing the best service to cater for all visitors to this native paradise.
We are also committed to the protection and conservation of the flora and fauna of Stewart Island, including the endangered Kakapo of Codfish Island. As sole fixed wing operators for Department of Conservation staff, we take a personal interest in the plight of this rare bird.
The first air transport to connect Stewart Island and the mainland was Stewart Island Air Service, operating an amphibian aircraft. The plane landed in the harbour and taxied up the beach to the local hotel.
Twenty years ago this was succeeded by Southern Air Ltd with the establishment of an airstrip at Ryan’s Creek.
Today, Stewart Island Flights is a locally owned and operated business. We maintain scheduled flights linking Stewart Island and Invercargill as well as a number of exciting alternatives providing access to the more remote reaches of the island.
We proudly operate two Britten Norman Islanders, one Piper Cherokee Six and one Cessna 185. All aircraft are maintained to the highest standard and fulfil all safety requirements.